today i show off a figure which you will not see on any other German blog for sure. A rare and ultra limited version of Madoka-chan. Wanna see her, you gotta see her and love her for sure !

This one took month and a lot of money to get. She is a limited lottery price and is limited to 500 only. To get her was a long journey, but in the end, if you say "money not matter" you can get every figure.

Cuteness-Meltdown. Great. And as a lottery price, she has no ID number. No EX or something. She is a special one, and now i am the only German guy who own one. I paid around 13.500 Yen for her. Worth the money !

So cute. She looks really adorable, and that is just the box, right ? The content would be even more great ^^

This is a genuine Penguin Figure. Not a beez copy like some of my other limited figures. She is therefore a real Peranko, not only Petanko-style.

Such a cutie. Wow, so nice. Look at her slightly red cheeks. Sweet, sweet !!!
Wanna cuddle with her ? Better not, she is cheeky. In my shelf she drops every day and show me her pantsu. Bad little girl ^^

Her head is heavy, so heave that she drop almost daily and show pantsu ;)
Anyway, she is an eye-catcher. You like her ? I do !

Those eyes, and that smile. She deserve love and a good home in my shelf. Look at her and agree with me, that some good things are not to buy with money. Love for example. I would spend all i have for one lovely moment. And this little girl is made with love, so she was worth the price.

Cheeky and cute at the same time. The eyes are well made and the grin is priceless. Sooooo cute. It is snuggle time <3

Look how well she is made. A real cute girl. The pose and her whole style make my heart meld away. She really was a good buy, even i have much Madoka here (and there will still come much new ones).

With this wonderful smile i bring you back to the real world and hope that you like the little and precious Madoka a bit.
Love more, and wait for more nice girls soon.
Shinji-kun <3