
Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

Sada-chan is sick but happy.....

Hello Friends,

the only content fact on my blog at the time is Sada-chan. Sunday morning it´s always time for her.
Wanna see her ? Here she comes.
                   (Source shown in pic)

Sada chan lookt a bit sad, this is cause i am sick this week.
But after all it was a great week, cause i had more time with my wife cause i must not work and yesterday i got the ultimate Madoka figure which i wait so long.
This week had a nice event. I had my first really video hangout with a friend on the other side of the world and we talk a few hours about our lives. It was a great experience and i am happy to live in the age of internet, where distance not really count anymore. I mean i know my wife because of the web, i would not imagine if there was no internet to build up this connection.
But back to my talk with my friend. He is a nice and smart guy but sometimes a bit in desperation cause his situation. Thats o.k. , nobody needs to be happy anytime, but i think, and that was the fact what it told him, you should see always the good part in bad situations.

For example: I am sick now (nothing serious just a sinus infection but this take 2 weeks with my weak immune system) so i should be sad, but i see the good part in this situation. 
I have more time with my wife, cause i must not work, and she care for me more than when i am healthy *grin*
So the good fact is that my sickness give me more time with the one i love, and so a bad situation is not as bade as it looks.
See the good facts in any bad, and your live turn more happy.

Another think  i told to my friend. I say if you go out in the world with a smile, you get always a smile back. He told me he want to look serious. Thats o.k. for sure, but what it´s more serious and trustworthy than a human with a smile in his face. A friendly person deserves always respect and trust. So smile more, the world will smile back and open the heart for you.

With this two facts i will send you to sunday and wish you a nice week. I am still sick but my week will be great, cause i can spend it with my wife so nothing bad at all (and my lovely wife will care for me *smile*).

Wish you a nice day, and be lovely to everyone,


I attach a pic of yesterday role-play. To nice to hide: